In the fading light, I reach up and hold an apple in my hand. It rests there against the stars just visible through the branches. I smell its sharp-sweet flesh, sense its mystery. I’m holding life and legends in one hand.
Weekly Message from Brenda Pielle for Family Fun: “Spring has sprung, the grass has “riz” (risen), I wonder where the birdie is? The bird’s upon the wing, but that’s absurd, the wing’s upon the bird!”
My brother Walter has been such a rich presence in my life. And now, I appreciate this opportunity to be present in these days of his finale life’s journey.
The Everyone Deserves A Smile Campaign 2020 is well under way and we still have an opportunity to give gifts to adults of scarves, socks, mittens/gloves, toques, and hygiene items.
May I just add that “if this time has taught me anything”, it is that we are all strengthened when we can share our thoughts, learnings, and faith with each other.
This is Thanksgiving weekend and a time for remembering with gratitude those whom we are blessed to share our world and to give thanks for the abundance that we are given.
The “orange shirt” in Orange Shirt Day refers to the new shirt that Phyllis Webstad was given to her by her grandmother for her first day of school at St. Joseph's Mission residential school.