Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
At one time there was this saying about the weather: “if you are not happy with the weather just wait five minutes and it will change.” I have come to observe that nothing lasts forever, and the universe has a way of adjusting and trying to maintain balance. Throughout our lives, we too adapt to change and accept situations as needed. It helps to know that our experiences are not unique and we are not alone.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Daily Reading from Ming-Dao Deng’s, “365 Tao: Daily Meditations”
No matter how extreme a situation is, it will change. It cannot continue forever. Thus, a great forest fire is always destined to burn itself out; a turbulent sea will become calmer. Natural events balance themselves out by seeking their opposites, and this process of balance is at the heart of all healing. This process takes time. If an event is not great, the balancing required is slight. If it is momentous, then it may take days, years, even lifetimes for things to return to an even keel. Actually, without these slight imbalances, there could be no movement in life. It is being off balance that keeps life changing. Total centering, total balance would only be stasis. All life is continual destruction and healing, over and over again.
Prayer Of The Day
Balancing Creator
We live in and are of Your creation, where in the beginning you created stability. Help us to appreciate that change and movement are part of maintaining a balance in the natural world. Guide us toward right relations with each other and the earth. And where there are injustices give us the power to use our voice to help preserve the natural balance that Your Love intended. We pray this in Jesus’ name.