River of Life

Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

I have often said to those whom I am closest that I am so fortunate to be born in the same time period with them. And, given all the variants in the cosmos, what are the probabilities that we would share the same life-time?

I feel that way about most people I meet and I am grateful.   

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

River from “Whispers of Light” by Joy Mead  

I grow old and it might be
as if I stand each day
alone on a riverbank
alone beside a flow
I cannot see, but imagine
as it catches the light
inside me – unseen people,
unknown people
moving through space,
through time.  

Our nature is to flow,
to flee to safety.

I might consider
how to move forward
if there were place
to which to move,
to reach a dream,
follow a desire stronger
than any natural force.  

Where are
the channels for dreams,
the channels for hopes?

Beware the dams!
They restrict the flow.  

The banks will burst
and create a flood
to engulf us all.

Let the river flow and form,
guiding us back to our senses
and maybe beyond;
let people find new life,
bring new life
like precious water
from the mountains.  

We are all droplets
in the same stream:
the borders or banks
that divide us from ourselves
are in our hearts
and minds alone.  

We are all in the flow,
all migrants through time.

Prayer Of The Day

Holy Spirit 

Like a drop of water in the river of time we are all gifted with life, given as a precious gift. 

May we appreciate that we have been blessed to be sharing this time in the universe with whom all we are connected. Help us feel Your embracing bond and Love that links us one to the other. Help us be attentive to the common Love within each other. We pray in the name of Christ our Teacher, our Brother.
