Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
I have been wondering what you see for our future as a congregation and with our relationships. We are evolving into new ways of relating and being church. Some of what we have experienced pre-pandemic will be the same, but this past year we have had new ways to be church and some of these will remain. It’s been a year of change and I am asking you to let me know what you would like to keep from past traditions and what you wish to maintain from new experiences?
Please email me your response or we can discuss this during our afternoon High Tea.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Reading Excerpt From: J. Philip Newell. “Christ of the Celts.”
There is a connection between desire and conception, just as there is a connection between conception and birth pangs. To be in touch with the deepest desires of the soul and the love-longings that stir within us will lead to new conception in our lives and relationships. These will in turn lead us into both the joy and the pain of new birthings. In one of her visions, the mystic Julian of Norwich, sees that Christ’s expression is a combination of pain and sorrow on the one hand and joy and bliss on the other. What births happen without pain? And what are the new births of delight waiting to happen in our lives and world that also will be costly? We are invited to be in touch with our deepest desires and to know in their unfoldings the pangs of new beginnings.
Spirit of New Beginnings
We pray for those who have lost hope and long for a return to the past and the “way things used to be”, “a return to normal”. Give all your children hope for a future that feeds the spirit and opens the door for new ways of being in relationship. May we understand that through You, we have a future in the church. May we meet the challenge of knowing and doing Your will which helps us to evolve through faith and love. We pray this in the name of Christ our leader and teacher of new beginnings.