Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings,
This is a new year, time to try new things and mix up our routine.
Through ZOOM, I would like to invite you all to an afternoon high tea.
If you are interested in gathering together, please e-mail me. I hope to have six people at a time. Please let me know the day and time that is convenient for you.
I realize that this is going to take some planning, so I ask you to please be patient with me. I will keep you posted and let you know your day and teatime.
This invitation is open to everyone; I am hopeful that you will all join me for tea, snacks, and much needed conversation.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
It is Monday, God of this day, but then
every day seems like a Monday now:
the day when we don’t want to get up,
the day when we don’t want to think about
what lies ahead, the day when we wonder where the weekend went.
It is Monday, Companion of our lives,
and, like every day lately, we would like to avoid it.
We cannot seem to find the energy we need,
we cannot bear to turn on the news,
we’re even nervous about opening the blinds,
wondering what might be outside.
It is Monday, Breath of Creation;
so help us to take a moment now to simply sit and
take in a few deep breaths to calm ourselves:
a moment to breathe a little easier
in this strange time …
Could you give us the energy, the hope, the grace, the wonder to indeed see this day “as the day you have made, as a gift for us?
May we rejoice in you this day, this Monday. Amen
And now, may the peace of the gentle breezes,
the peace of the singing birds,
the peace of the shining sun,
and the deep, deep peace of the Child of Peace
be with you.
Reading and Benediction
Excerpt From: Thom M Shuman. “How shall we pray this morning?
For what shall we pray this night?”