Blessings of Love

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

Being here in Nova Scotia brings to my memory the joys of summer spent in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. There was and still is thick fog in the mornings and evenings. The foghorn billows throughout the town warning ships not to come too close. But reminds us of the small café nearby that serves up the best bread pudding.  

The air has the aroma of the salted ocean lingering with the fog. It does wonders for the sinuses not to mention curling and volumizing one’s hair. 

We are truly blessed with joyous mornings and evenings. 

Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Luke 6 18-21 (ERV)  

They all came to hear Jesus teach and to be healed of their sicknesses. He healed the people who were troubled by evil spirits. Everyone was trying to touch him, because power was coming out from him. Jesus healed them all. Jesus looked at his followers and said, 

You’re blessed when you’ve lost it all.
God’s kingdom is there for the finding.
You’re blessed when you’re ravenously hungry.
Then you’re ready for the Messianic meal.
You’re blessed when the tears flow freely.
Joy comes with the morning. 

Prayer Of The Day 

Spirit God 

Gracefully keeping our lives balanced, You are a constant companion within each one. We are grateful for being blessed with all the feelings that make us human. Help us to recognize You as part of our very existence, fill our life with the curiosity of a child.  

Help us to find joy and laughter each day and guide us to provide others with love and enthusiasm. 

We pray this through Christ our Teacher.  

And so be it.