Message of the Day from Reverend Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
As I have said before, we are blessed to be living in this country and although we are far from perfect in the justice area, we seem to be moving in the right direction. I find that this election for our neighbours to the south to be very intriguing and understand that some may be tired of hearing about it. My biggest concern is how their decision will affect democracy and our way of life. In some countries if you say you are Canadian then they look upon you with distain because we are part of the Americas. It’s unfortunate but it goes back to that old saying “Birds of a feather flock together”. Given our close proximity to the United States, we don’t have a choice about with whom we flock. And no matter what their election results, we will continue to love our neighbours.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Sirach 9:14-18 (The Inclusive Bible)
Size up your neighbors to the best of your ability, and only associate with the wisest of them. Seek out the intelligent for conversations and let all of your talks concern the Law of YHWH. Break bread with those who love justice; let your reverence for God be your glory. A craftsperson is recognized by skilled hands, a counselor by wise words. Loudmouths are the bane of the community; the rash talker is detested.
Prayer of the Day
Loving One
Jesus, you tell us we should love our neighbours and even though it is sometimes difficult, we know that through you all things are made easy. Today we pray for all world leaders and those who democratically vote for them. May they love justice and serve one another with loving kindness. We pray for our neighbours who are treated unjustly because of their race, their gender identity, and their financial status. May they find justice through caring leadership. Hear our prayer, and Thy will be done.
And so be it.