In the fading light, I reach up and hold an apple in my hand. It rests there against the stars just visible through the branches. I smell its sharp-sweet flesh, sense its mystery. I’m holding life and legends in one hand.
Weekly Message from Brenda Pielle for Family Fun: “Spring has sprung, the grass has “riz” (risen), I wonder where the birdie is? The bird’s upon the wing, but that’s absurd, the wing’s upon the bird!”
We can struggle with what is. We can judge and blame others or ourselves. Or we can accept what cannot be changed. Peace comes from an honourable and open heart accepting what is true.
Each Friday at 6:30pm, PR United Church will be holding regular 30 minute meditations. Please feel free to join any time you'd like to let go of the burdens of the week, and connect to the kingdom within.
Whether in a Mosque, a Temple, a Church, or a Synagogue, the experience of God was the same. They were all welcoming and all spoke about their doctrine of community service and love.
By living purposefully, we accomplish more, have a better memory of our experienced life and are more grateful for the gift of time. Living in the moment takes a conscious effort but following practice, it will come naturally.
Everywhere in the world people are in search of love, for everyone is convinced that love alone can save the world, love alone can make life meaningful and worth living. But how very few understand what love really is, and how it arises in the human heart.
But if you correct those who care about life, that’s different—they’ll love you for it! Save your breath for the wise—they’ll be wiser for it; tell good people what you know—they’ll profit from it.
Through your wisdom may we go deeper in our search for knowledge with you as our guide. May we be your operatives, in restoring beauty and justice to this broken world.
What a beautiful time of year. Produce is ripe, leaves are changing giving us an array of colours to enjoy, and the rains are feeding the earth. Happy Thanksgiving!
No person is an entirely isolated being; it is impossible for a person to do anything seriously or permanently hurtful to themselves, without harm reaching at least to their near connections, and often far beyond them...
In the Spirit of Love, please follow the link below to gather knowledge about Truth and Reconciliation as well as Indian Residential Schools. Then, share this information with family and friends.
We have been warned and are called to put creation and the future of all life on earth at the centre. We can only do this if we all develop right relations within humanity.
We have been blessed with abundance, and we have taken advantage of the life-giving gifts we have been given. May we recognize the damaging ways we are treating this home we know as Earth.
“The shift to a heart-centred way of living means that our souls are rumbling away, crying for freedom, demanding that we follow our heart’s desires.” – Samantha Wilson
We tend to strive for a life like those who have the most up to date, most expensive, biggest things. The problem is, we overlook the impact on the environment, the climate, in which this expensive, big lifestyle reigns. Bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger boats…