In the fading light, I reach up and hold an apple in my hand. It rests there against the stars just visible through the branches. I smell its sharp-sweet flesh, sense its mystery. I’m holding life and legends in one hand.
Weekly Message from Brenda Pielle for Family Fun: “Spring has sprung, the grass has “riz” (risen), I wonder where the birdie is? The bird’s upon the wing, but that’s absurd, the wing’s upon the bird!”
We have forty days to prepare for the celebration of Easter. It might be fun to talk with your children and youth about something they could do more or less of, during this forty day time frame.
On this Valentine's Day, contact a friend or family member and say, “I love you.” Keep safe, Keep connected. Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
This week I want to honour an important cause, and draw your attention towards an unfortunate reality regarding murdered and missing woman which effects us all, because we all share the same life in God’s Spirit.
If I had the gift of being able to speak in other languages without learning them and could speak in every language there is in all of heaven and earth, but didn’t love others, I would only be making noise.
Often times, we are so wrapped up in following routines that we miss out on living a life filled with joy. We begin to take people and things for granted.
You breathed Love into our very being and we came alive. May the Loving words of God be among us, in our homes, and within us. May our hearts be filled with words of loving gentleness and reflect them to all we meet.
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” By letting go of the way we think of possessions, these external forces will no longer hold us captive.
The Powell River United Church has organized a Virtual Walk-A-Thon for people to participate in as a way to generate donations for the Powell River Salvation Army branch.
We talk no longer of heart when we tell of trees. And what then of the movement of our human hearts in arteries small and smaller, in form of trunk and branches, in tree-like patterning.
But with life experiences, I soon discovered that there is no right or wrong way to advance in life. Experiences are equally important as continuing education.
Those speaking from the edge, Gain a listening ear, Compassion thrives, Egos maintain a low profile, With you as Core of Community, Peace abides and love abounds.
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.