In the fading light, I reach up and hold an apple in my hand. It rests there against the stars just visible through the branches. I smell its sharp-sweet flesh, sense its mystery. I’m holding life and legends in one hand.
Weekly Message from Brenda Pielle for Family Fun: “Spring has sprung, the grass has “riz” (risen), I wonder where the birdie is? The bird’s upon the wing, but that’s absurd, the wing’s upon the bird!”
Ever since the beginning of my memory, I have had a sense that there is with me a presence. Like Psalm 139, I feel known and somehow protected by the Spirit.
Last week Ben, my 4-year old great-grandson, and I were up at the airport. He loves the planes! He became more and more excited as the propellers started to spin. As the plane…
As we enter the new phase of the “Trusted Bubble” and re-attach to a treasured few, we pray to send out “The Dove” as Noah did to get the final word to emerge, rejoin, re-attach, re-gather, rejoice.
So, I’m wondering if there are those who would be willing to write a “Thought for the Day” for me to post. I’d like to make up a list of those who might choose to do:
June is National Indigenous History Month and should be a time to celebrate and honour the unique culture and spirit of our sisters and brothers of the First Nations.
Yesterday afternoon, we were entertained for about 45 minutes by a pod of Orca Whales. There were several young ones doing what resembled a water dance. I developed a strong appreciation for the relationships they had with each other.
Conscience — An inner feeling or voice viewed as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behaviour. Consequence — A result or effect of an action or condition.
“There was a teacher in a village school in Scotland by the name of Joseph Craik. The other teachers at that school circled the inkblots on the student's papers in large red circles…
May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
The psalmist not only describes his condition of needing his spiritual battery re-charged, in the verses that follow, he gives us the formula for getting re-charged.
As a whole, we humans don't handle times of enforced waiting with the patience of a heron.. Times of waiting should not be wasted merely surviving until tomorrow, but rather filled with living abundantly today.