God Itself

Message from Light of God Ministry

The problem with uncertainty is that we fear it, we resist it, and we tend to do everything we can, to try and create certainty in our lives so we don’t have to experience the uncomfortable feelings around not knowing.

One of the main reasons why people turn towards God is to receive comfort in an uncertain world. Yet, I think the two greatest unknowns in life are God and death. 

We are certain about our own existence, our own life and the world, but God and death are both a profound mystery. This is perhaps why Christ has been such an instrumental figure in people’s lives, because it gives people a living form of God that people can actually know, at least that is the idea.

However, most of us are a step removed from knowing Christ, and find comfort in holding onto our belief in Christ instead. But to actually know Christ, to actually know God… how is that even possible?

This is where the idea of Holy Trinity becomes critical if we want to venture beyond our beliefs about Christ and God, and actually know Christ and God. The Holy Spirit is what enables us to know God and Christ directly within ourselves, as our own essential nature.

There’s nothing you have to do to make your Spirit Holy, it is already one with Christ and God. It is only a matter of recognition that is found inside you.

With Love,

All Are Welcome With Love In-person Worship Sundays at 11am


Reading • Unwelcome Feelings excerpt from Tom Stella

“In Sync with the Sacred, Out of Step with the World.”

The wisdom of embracing all aspects of our lives applies not only to interpersonal relationships and external situations; it also includes our emotional life. I would like to always be in a good mood. I would like to be positive, enthusiastic, and to see the proverbial glass half full. I would like my emotional life to be a one-piece puzzle; I want to be only and always upbeat. But my reality is otherwise. Like most people, I am prone to down swings and negativity, and I sometimes see flaws and danger where others observe beauty and possibility.

Although I much prefer positive emotions, I have now come to recognize the importance of dark moods and that it’s okay, perhaps even necessary, for these unwelcome visitors to take up residence within myself. 

POEM • The Journey Within

If you finally become exhausted from looking for God in temples, mosques, churches, on mountain tops, and up success ladders,.. you may want to take some time to just sit somewhere, quietly.

You may benefit by putting to rest the weight of the world, and by laying down all your ideas, your fears, your opinions and judgments, at least for a little while, and totally relax.

Don’t feel compelled to do anything, nor wrestle with your mind. Simply sit comfortably, quietly, and rest the mind.

Just Be…

Experience total ease, a grateful heart, peace and wholeness.

Just Be still…

Let go, release, forgive, connect with spirit, and love.

Be still and know…

Within your Being, is the One, is the Everything that you seek.

Be still and know, that I am God.

PRUC Online Worship Service • Join us Sunday, August 28th

Realize that your very Awareness is God itself.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for all that you give us. Teach us to receive in our heart of hearts the greatest gift you want for us.

We know your kingdom is within, and that it is filled with joy. Please grant us access to it in our daily lives.

With all our Love.


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada