God's Abundance

Message from Our Minister • Reverend Mary White

Something to Contemplate…

Many of our concerns lie within the content of future tense. With rising prices, we worry about our ability to continue to live in a manner to which we have become accustomed.

We look to place blame mostly on the elected people who represent us and of which we are part. But rather than function from a place of fear that causes stress which diminishes our health, let’s focus on all the abundance we have now.

Even though we may be required to purchase less, we will still have enough for ourselves and in spite of everything contribute to those less fortunate.

It has been my life experience that when I let go of my strong desires, then I am free to focus on what really matters and I realize that I have enough with some to share.

The mystery of the future lies ahead but knowing that we walk this life path with faith in a Higher Power, we move into the future focusing on the present anxiety free. 

With Love,
Rev. Mary

All Are Welcome With Love • In-person Worship Sundays at 11am

Reading Excerpt

There was more than enough grief for Jesus: he had just got the news that his beloved cousin John had been beheaded by Herod. 

There were more than enough people: 5,000 gathered to hear Jesus – probably closer to 15 to 20,000 counting women and kids. 

There was more than enough need: the people were hungry; they had been with Jesus all day. There was more than enough fear: ‘Jesus, make them go away – we barely have enough for ourselves.’

But what they did have was more than enough for Jesus: who took, who blessed, who broke, who shared the simple gifts the disciples had – and it was more than enough for everyone. When we wonder Is it enough? – what we do for the needy; what we do about the violence in our world; what we do about reaching out to young people; what we do with our simple gifts – we should remember this story and think of the promise that Jesus does not call us to serve in ways he is unable to equip us.

For he takes, he blesses, he breaks, he shares our simple gifts with others, and that will always be more than enough.

Excerpt from “Youth” Wild Goose Pub. More Than Enough
–Thom M. Shuman (Matt. 14:13–21) 

Thanks to those who attended the Outdoor Larry Gouthro Service this past Sunday…

A Couple of Interesting Surprises Offered by Wendy Barker

In the mail at the church office, I found an envelope containing a card with $1,000 in $50-dollar bills, marked as being for the changes to the sanctuary. It was completely anonymous, and certainly a blessing. It is unfortunate that the donor was not identified, as we could make sure they get a charitable receipt.

Also, there was a call on the answering machine from a lady who was in town and wanted to see the sanctuary where her grandfather (Rev. Sidney Good) had been minister during the 1950’s. I managed to get hold of her and gave her a tour as well as a copy of our church history. Sadly, her grandfather’s name wasn’t in the listing of past ministers. However, she was quite delighted to see the building and had vague memories of it from attending as a child.

Poem: Where Are the Altars?

Excerpt by Joy Mead

Meditation on the story of the Transfiguration
– Luke 9:28–32

How good it is that we are here.
This is It. We have arrived.

We will put up tents,
shelters, chapels, churches …

Others coming to this place
will see what we think we know.

Why move on?

We have found Identity and Meaning.

We will hold on to this experience
for dear life and human sanity.

But there is no holding on.

The cloud is upon us.

We are covered in shadow
and immobile in fear.

Risen and free, he dances ahead
and we must let go.

What we attempt to contain
within our poverty of understanding
is here no longer.

We leave behind one mystery
to follow another mystery –

a continual exploration
which allows no settlement
in the safety of the known.

No pitching of tents,
or making of shelters,
to protect our visions.

One who goes before
moves with all speed,
leaving as we arrive;
showing us that discipleship
is and always will be
the ever-new, ever-changing search
for what we have always known.

PRUC Online Worship Service • Please Join us this Sunday, July 31st

Prayer from Jesus

(for two voices) From Seasons of the Spirit Seasons FUSION Pentecost 1 2022 

One: Our Father... Two: Our Father, our Mother, our Creator, the one who holds our household together...

One: hallowed be your name. Two: You are sacred, holy – your very name is sacred to me.

One: Give us each day our daily bread; Two: please send us each day what we need – and give us the ability to perceive it.

One: And forgive us our trespasses, Two: forgive us our mistakes

One: for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us;
Two: for we forgive most of the people who mess up around us.

One: Excuse me?
Two: How am I supposed to forgive everybody? Some people owe me.

One: Like what?
Two: Like a favour. Or money. Or they owe me a chance to do what they’ve done. Or they owe me back that book they borrowed or that debt I covered for them. They owe me a phone call. They owe me.

One: We all owe somebody something. There isn’t one of us who isn’t in debt to someone. And in God’s love for us, we owe the biggest debt of all and the one we can never pay back. So, it’s just easier to forgive them all. Write off all those debts, the ones you owe and the ones owed you.
Two: Just write them off? 

One: Yes.
Two: No keeping track?

One: No keeping track.
Two: Not even a little bit?

One: You know the next line?
Two: About temptations?

One: Yes.
Two: Okay.

One: Well, there’s your answer.


Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2021 

Navigation Team Draft Meeting Minutes July 26, 2022


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada