Thoughts to Ponder from Reverend Mary White
For those of us who are uncomfortable when faced with conflict, we tend to take what we believe to be the easy way out and avoid the situation at all costs. Sometimes conflict is just a difference of perspectives. I wonder, what do we fear in such circumstances? Rejection? Maybe hurting someone’s feelings? Or, do we return to our childhood when we were taught not to get involved? If we are Christians then we are called to speak up against injustices, to speak for those without a voice, and for what is right, from a place of Love. And even if you are not a follower of Christ, what harm can come from speaking your truth?
Stay safe. Stay connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary
Reading Excerpt From “Growing Hope” by Neil Paynter
Speaking Out
When a silence is broken in the interest of confronting injustices, what we are hearing is prophecy. Prophetic voices are those which read the signs of the times in the light of the justice and love of Creator and speak out against all which distorts or diminishes the image of the Spirit in human beings. In doing so, they may come into conflict with the status quo, with powerful interests who have an investment in the way things are …
– Kathy Galloway
“The violence is IN the silence, and people must summon up the courage to speak out.”
Spoken by a woman who had suffered abuse.
Guiding Spirit
Awaken us to your light, awaken us to your presence, and awaken us to your life. May we honour your way not by paying lip service, but by trusting the vision you teach.
May we honour you by following your way, with our actions. May we love as you have loved; and show loving-kindness through touching the outcast, feeding the hungry, remembering the sick, clothing the naked and giving water to the thirsty.
We pray for your guidance in all our choices.