Message from Light of God Ministry
Good Day and Blessings!
It is a relief to know that we are not born, nor shall die. Yet at the same time, we may appreciate how fleeting and temporary this life and world is. We may see life as a profound and mystical opportunity to contemplate and experience the majesty of God.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
– NRSV John 3:16
Eternity seems like along time, unfathomable to the mind. Yet if what I am is in reality eternal, then there must be an essential or most real part of me that was not born, nor shall die.
Jesus the human, was born into this world, and realized his true Self to be not of this world. He was very adamant about his true identity as One with God, so much so, that He did not even resist the crucifixion of his earthly body identity. He understood that His real Self or Spirit, was holy and unborn, therefore would not die even though his body would appear to.
He was a great example for people of this world to follow. We should be so blessed as to understand our eternal Self with the same clarity and conviction as He did.
With Love,
Light of God Ministry
Dear Parents, Families, and Friends
This week the parent tot video has the following songs: "The More We Sing Together"; "The B-I-B-L-E"; "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"; and "I Can Feel You Near Me God". There is a story called, "I Am Generous".
The Family Fun video includes: "Like A Rock"; "Down By The Bay"; "Bye, Bye Love"; "Doe A Deer"; and "Deep In Our Hearts". The story this week is called "Something from Nothing".
Enjoy this last weekend of summer break with all of its anticipation and excitement. Best wishes for a smooth start up to fall activities.
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world;
16 For all that is in the world—the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, the pride in riches—comes not from the Father but from the world.
17 And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever.
A Way to Celebrate
Mel and Rose Chatwin, long-time members of Powell River United Church, passed away in Aldergrove in 2019 and 2020. The family will be in Powell River the week of September 20th, and would like to reach out to friends of the Chatwins who may want to come together to share a few memories. Date, location and time will be determined based on projected attendance.
Please send an e-mail to or call 780-263-6822 to express interest/gather more information.
READING • What about Me?
It is common at times to think, “What about me?”
It is common at times to feel, “God has forgotten about me.”
However, God exists within you as your true Self.
So, you have simply forgotten who you are.
Remembering or recognizing your true Self is the most intimate and natural relationship one can have.
In order to understand the full mystery of life, we must travel the inward path to the undying bliss of Self-awareness.
The destination (kingdom) is within.
In order to arrive home (heaven), we must see past the illusion that we ever left home in the first place.
To see without eyes, to transcend the illusion of this world, the heart must become fully awake.
Only then shall we witness the entirety of life, through the eternal eye of love.
~ Author Unknown
PRUC Online Worship Service
Please join us this Sunday, September 5th
Universal Prayer
O God, the Giver of life. Remover of pains and sorrows. Bestower of happiness, and Creator of the Universe. Thou art most luminous, pure and adorable. We meditate on Thee. May Thou inspire and guide our intellect in the right direction.
O Lord! The Creator of the Universe, remove all forms of vice and sorrow from us. Give us those qualities that are ennobling.
O luminous God! Lead us to the noble path of Thy devotion and grace; Lord! Thou know all our deeds. Remove from us, all our vice and sins. We offer in every way our homage and salutations to Thee.
O Lord! Lead us from untruth to truth Lead us from darkness to light Lead us from death to immortality
O Lord! in Thee may all be happy. May all be free from misery. May all realize goodness, and may no one suffer pain.
Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada