The Ocean of Love

Message from the Light of God Ministry

Good Day and Blessings!

Psalm 51 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God.”

What could that mean? What does a pure heart look like?

We place a lot of emphasis on the heart, particularly at the United Church in Powell River.

The heart is the resting place within us where, God, Christ and your Spiritual Self reside in perfect union.

To see God, Christ and our Spiritual Self clearly, we must see through the eyes of love, through the eyes of our own heart.

In Psalm 51, the prayer for a pure heart, is really a plea for perfect union with God, for it is the kingdom of God that only a pure heart desires.

May your heart be filled with love for God and all creation.

Serve with Love,
Light of God Ministry

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One month "down" and one month to go. It always amazes me how quickly months seem to pass. I hope July was great for you, and may August bring more fun activities to enjoy with your family. The videos this week talk about summer activities. I love all of them from swimming to camping, to looking for shells on a beach. Do you have favorite summer traditions? Enjoy this season and remember you are creating memories that can last a lifetime for your children.

This week the parent tot video features: "The More We Sing Together"; "Here We Go Swimming"; "This Little Light of Mine"; "God is so Good"; "I Can Feel You Near Me God" as well as the story "Summer Things" by‎ Dr Seuss.

The Family Fun video has a reading from a page in an Usborne book about the seasons, as well as these songs: "Over My Head"; "You've Got a Friend"; "Don't Stop"; "A Point of Light"; and "Draw the Circle Wide".

Kind Regards,

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Poem: Genesis One

by Carol Dixon

Break into our darkness, formless One, with the light of your company.

Split the cosmic silence and speak in the void of our shapeless lives.

Plant seeds of love in barren hearts; encourage us with your life-bringing Spirit.

Mould us, so we become the vision of yourself, and every part of our universe displays the stamp of your creative love.

Then help us rest in you and see that life is good.


What is Grace? by St. John of the Cross


‘What is grace’ I asked God.

And He said, ‘All that happens.’

Then He added, when I looked perplexed,

‘Could not lovers say that every moment in their Beloved’s arms was grace? Existence is My arms, though I well understand how one can turn away from Me, until the heart has wisdom.’

From: Love Poems from God: by Daniel Ladinsky.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, August 1st

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The Ocean of Love

Dear Lord, you are the Ocean of Love, and I but a drop. If my drop merges with Thee, shall I become the Ocean too?
