Engage with Life

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

It seems to be human nature to avoid what we have an aversion to. Wouldn’t it be better to incorporate the wisdom of the philosopher Seneca, who said, “Let us train ourselves to desire what the situation demands.” When taking this approach to life, we are not avoiding or denying the truth that we would prefer not to deal with some people or situations; we are making a choice to engage with life from a positive perspective and not just be bystanders letting life pass us by. Creator has given us the ultimate gift, so why not enjoy it by finding the positive in whatever situation we encounter?  

Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary,

Reading Excerpt from: Tom Stella. “In Sync with the Sacred, Out of Step with the World.” 

Burden Or Blessing 

We always have before us the choice between burden and blessing. Each day of our life is filled with things and people we like and dislike, enjoy and resent, find delight in and are drained by. How we choose to deal with our spouse or children, our boss or co-workers, our homework assignments, domestic chores, and so on, can make them a burden or a blessing. Even life’s harshest realities – failure, illness, and loss, for instance – can, when fully embraced, become the means through which we experience a strength we didn’t know we had, a consoling inner calm, the peace that surpasses understanding. The opposite, of course, is also always true: whatever their shape, size, and colour, when we resist the pieces of our life’s puzzle, our days become burdensome. 


Wisdom Spirit  

You are the inspiration shining in the hidden places of our lives. May we see the light in all we encounter and bring peace to those who have heavy burdens. May we be willing to cross boundaries which divide, and create conditions that make for blessings, justice, and reconciliation. May we be given the strength to endure our struggles and choose life as a blessing. Today may we sit for a moment without words and experience your light. This we pray.
