Accepting God

Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White

When someone pushes our buttons, they usually activate negative responses and bring up judgements that we have learned in childhood. But as adults we are able to choose to react in a non-judgemental manner. If we are to experience inner peace, accepting others without the desire to accuse, find guilty and criticize is a step towards acceptance without trying to control them. When someone is accusatory and judging our behaviours, remaining calm and listening from an open heart is a way of letting them know that you are not judging or trying to control them. How often do we truly put ourselves in another’s circumstances to understand with compassion their life struggles? Through education and acceptance of global diversities, we are able to be open to demonstrate love to all of humankind.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Poem • Walk with Me

Around the room a circle of Friends settled, relaxed, all action stilled but thought so active it’s almost tangible.

My eyes rest a moment on each pair of shoes taking in the diversity: imagining the stories: some have been in the soil, collected a leaf or two – they are happy outside; others look soft, easy on feet – like the comfort of home.

Many are worn with style and energy anticipating the day ahead.

I wonder about a wordless call I hear in this room: the journey is always long and to walk a while in someone else’s shoes is a silent and appropriate gift.

  from Whispers of Light by Joy Mead

Message for Young Families from Brenda Pielle

Dear Families and Friends:

The beauty of creation is all around us. During the season of spring I love to watch and see how the different varieties of flowers come out at different times, giving us new blossoms to enjoy during these weeks and months when we are awaiting the full warmth of summer.

This week the Parent tot video has the following songs: The More We Sing Together (with names of twelve children who had attended the parent tot group pre-Covid), Oh Mister Sun, From My Head Down to My Toes God Made Me, May there always be Sunshine, and Jesus Loves Me. The story is called, I Love You So by Marianne Richmond.

The Family Fun Video opens and closes with Kum By Ya, the fast version. Other songs include: Tweedly Tweedly Do, I Walk the LineDoe a Deer, and Abundantly. Another story of unique animal pals can be found on this video. This time, it is a story about a dog who makes friends with an owl. This is read from the book, Unlikely Friendships by Jennifer Holland.

Enjoy these selections with your family, and here's wishing you some "happy singing."


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading: Modern Spiritual Masters

Excerpt from Joyce Rupp: Essential Writings

There are many ways to speak of the oneness that people have with all of humankind. Scientists describe this communion as the co-mingling and dancing of atoms one with another in people who are formed of the same stardust, breaths the same recycled air, and drink from the same streams of life. Christian theologians present this oneness as humanity’s participation in the body of Christ. Buddhists speak of it as the practice of compassion which views all beings as one. Peoples of the First Nations approach this same oneness in their understanding of each person as their brother or sister.

Modern writers refer to this oneness as the global village. Communication today happens with amazing speed and clarity in spite of the differences in language and custom. It is less and less possible to live as isolated human beings on our planet. Yet the differences among people continue to bring division rather than harmony, to produce domination struggles and war rather than enrichment, strength, and peacefulness.

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Jim Dickson on Sunday, May 2nd 2021.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, May 16th

Prayer: Life Giving One

Make us instruments of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

– Saint Francis of Assisi