Unexpected Gift

Message of the Day from Rev. Mary white

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

There was confusion in our garden on New Year’s Day. It is the season of winter after all, and it is a time of rest in and on the earth. At least that’s what I always believed. Until I looked out my kitchen window to see a huge yellow rose in full bloom. It was and still is the most beautiful, unexpected gift. At first, I thought of cutting it, bringing it in and placing this beauty of nature in a glass vase. But I had second thoughts because it looked so much alive and to cut it would be destroying a beautiful gift. So even through the winter winds and rains were beating down on the rose, it remains in full bloom.  

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Excerpt From: Joy Mead. “A Way of Knowing.” 

Serious looking has a healing beauty. Paying attention to the most minute things – stones, spoons, flowers, tiny gestures – is the most generous of human activities. It turns dead, inattentive time into living time: every moment lived fully and compassionately. In loving attention, we discover the enabling grace that tunes us in to the “heart-rending harmony of all creation – and that has to be prayer. 

And surprise – moments of awakening when something small and ordinary amazes us with its wonder, mystery and value; the astonishment of love and loving – that too is prayer.”  


Creating Gardener  

Continue to surprize us with Your earthly productions. May we take the time to observe and appreciate the beauty found surrounding us each day. Give us eyes to see the unexpected in Your creation, especially during the resting days of winter. May we look upon the changing wintry weather patterns with pleasant acceptance knowing that growth is beginning just below the earth’s interior. Help us to show Love, kindness and compassion to all creation. Ultimate Gardener, hear our prayers.
